Our Safeguarding Leads are Gracie Raj who can be contacted via email at and Liz Shipman who can be contacted at or the Diocesan Safeguarding Team (details below) if you have any concerns.
The Archdiocese of Birmingham has a zero-tolerance approach to all Abuse.
Reporting abuse
If you are concerned about the welfare of a child or adult at risk, do not delay in contacting the police, using 999 if a child or adult is believed to be in immediate danger.
It is the policy of the Catholic Church in England and Wales to report all allegations of abuse to statutory authorities, regardless of whether the abuse occurred recently or in the past, or whether the accused person is living or deceased.
As per the code of conduct, if you are in any role within the Catholic Church in England and Wales, you must refer allegations directly to the Safeguarding Team in your diocese or religious congregation, or directly to the police.
If you are a member of the public, please refer allegations directly to the police and to the Diocesan Safeguarding office on 0121 230 6240 (
All Church activity should provide a safe environment which promotes and supports the wellbeing of everyone and protects them from harm.
The Catholic Church in England and Wales has committed to a common set of National safeguarding standards to help protect children and adults who may be vulnerable or at risk. Each Diocese has a Safeguarding Team and a Trustee Sub Committee, which has oversight of that work.
Each parish has a Safeguarding Representative(s). Our Parish Safeguarding Representatives are Gracie Raj and Liz Shipman
They provide the link between the parish and the safeguarding team, promote safe practice in all activities involving children and adults and advice on safeguarding matters in the parish.
The Diocesan Safeguarding Team
0121 230 6240, They provide advice to safeguarding representatives and parish priests and manage more serious safeguarding concerns. They have responsibility for Diocesan-wide policy, practice and training and safer recruitment processes.

Please click the button below to be directed to the Diocese Safeguarding Page
Online Safeguarding Training CSSA Level 3 free to access, see registration via Home ( ) or visit CSSA and section for training.

for those affected by abuse in the Church
Safe Spaces is a free and independent support service for anyone who has experienced abuse in relation to the Church of England, the Church in Wales or the Catholic Church of England and Wales. This could be abuse by someone who holds any role at the church or is linked to participating in a church-led activity or group.
If you have been affected, however long ago, Safe Spaces can provide you with support. You do not have to have told the police or the church authorities, and you do not have to still be involved with the church. Your information will not be shared without your consent unless you or someone else is in immediate danger.
The Safe Spaces team is available through its helpline and live chat service between Monday-Friday 9am to 9pm, Saturday 9am-1pm and Sunday 1pm-5pm/
Tel: 0300 303 1056
A leaflet providing simple guidance and support is offered. Click the button below:
National Organisations offering support and helplines
supporting victims and survivors of church-related abuse.
MACSAS supports women and men who have been sexually abused, as children or adults, by ministers, clergy or others in a church-related setting.
support for any survivors and others impacted by abuse.
supporting recovery from childhood abuse, with helplines.
interactive-guides for victims of any form of abuse
National Domestic Violence helpline
Samaritans Helpline
Action on Elder Abuse helpline