Mass Times

Sunday Mass Times

Vigil Mass: 6.00pm [Saturday]


9.15am [Children's Mass]

If you wish your children to have an active roll in the 9.15am Mass during term time, please sign the rota in the Sacristy. Children from Year 4 upwards to read the readings and psalm, children in Year 3 to read the bidding prayers. The readings will be in the parish office to be collected in the week prior to reading. The bidding prayers will be available on the day. Families are welcome to put their name down for the offertory 

10.30am [with choir]

12 noon


Holy Day Masses

10.30am & 7.30pm

Weekday Masses

10.00am [Monday - Friday]

7.30pm [Wednesday & Thursday]

9.30am. [Saturday]


Wednesday [10.30am]

Saturday [10am & 4.30pm]

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

10.30am - 4.00pm [Monday - Friday during term time only].

Holy Hour

Every first Friday of the month at 3pm except in August

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

7.00pm [Wednesday]

9.30am [Saturday]

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