| “Meanwhile, standing near the Cross of Jesus were his mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing beside her, he said to his mother, “Woman, here is your son.” Then he said to the disciple: “Here is your mother.” (Jn 19:25-27) Even when He was dying in agony, Our Saviour thought of us. John represented all who are willing to be disciples of Jesus. If Our Lady was given to St John as mother by our dying Saviour, we can all regard Our Lady as our mother. This is far from a courtesy title for Mary. As someone once described her, “she is a mother with her sleeves rolled up.” She doesn’t bask in the glory of her sinlessness, she intercedes us- so that we can overcome sin and reach the place in Heaven which Our Saviour has won for us.
The American author Scott Hahn once described how he understood Our Lady’s Motherhood. When he was a child, an uncle would come visiting at Christmas with a big box of presents for all the children in Scott’s large family. If the uncle left the children to select their own gifts from the box, there would be mayhem and it would all end in tears. The children would argue over the goodies, toys would get broken, fights would ensue.
However, if the uncle left the box of gifts with the mother of the family, she would know the needs of each child and would distribute the presents accordingly. She would also know what gifts the children were not ready for yet, and she would put them to one side – reserving them for a later point.
This, I feel, is a good way of understanding Our Lady’s motherhood. Grace comes from God, but, through His Own Choosing, he involves Our Lady in the distribution of His Graces. She knows the needs of her children better than we know them ourselves. She knows the right gifts to give us, at the right time.
As we approach Mothering Sunday, may we always honour our Heavenly Mother, to whose motherly care Our Saviour entrusted us from the Cross.
Fr John Peyton, Parish Priest of St Dunstan’s and St Jude’s Parishes Kings Heath and The Maypole and Spiritual Director of the Legion of Mary in the Archdiocese of Birmingham | |
| Lent and Easter resources on our website | |
| During the season of Lent and Easter you can access a dedicated page of resources on our website for individual, parish and school use. Including resources for children and families; educational, liturgical and musical resources; retreats, courses and much more. | |
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| | On the 11 March, Pope Francis approved the start of a process of accompaniment and evaluation of the implementation phase of the Synod. This is envisaged to be a three-year journey leading to the celebration of the ecclesial assembly in October 2028. This journey will be structured in such a way to offer adequate and sustainable times for the implementation of the Synod’s indications, while also providing for some significant moments of evaluation. Archbishop Bernard has reappointed Canon Paul Fitzpatrick as Synodal Lead for the Archdiocese for a further three-year term. Canon Paul will lead the implementation phase of the Synod across the Archdiocese. Canon Paul said: "I am delighted to be able to continue to build on the firm foundations we have put in place over the last three years; especially at this moment when the Church moves from learning about Synodality, into its full implementation.
"Co-responsibility and our Diocesan Vision have always been an integral part of the implementation of Synodality across our Archdiocese. "We have sought to plant co-responsibility and our Diocesan Vision in every parish and deanery within the Archdiocese. The implementation phase of the Synod will give us all even greater impetus to take this good work even further." | |
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| Born for This 2025 - Saturday | |
| Calling all parish youth groups and young people to join us on Saturday 29 March at Thomas Aquinas Catholic School & Sixth Form at 10am-7:30pm to present ‘Born For This’ (BFT). Born For This is an incredibly compelling and dynamic depiction of the Stations of the Cross in words, drama, and music - with songs, written by Jo Boyce, who was inspired by the incredibly powerful poetic reflections on the Stations of the Cross by Jude Martin in January 1994. This is an excellent opportunity to invite your Chaplaincy team or Parish Youth Group to be a part of this incredible production, to be performed for an audience on Saturday 29 March. | |
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| BBC Make a Difference Awards 2025 - Nominations close Monday | |
| In its fourth year, the Make a Difference Award celebrates our communities across the UK and the people who go above and beyond and make life better. There are eight categories from Green Award to Volunteer and Community Group. Children can be nominated in all of the categories – but for the first time ever there is also a YOUNG HERO Award for those Under 16 who have done something exceptional. People can nominate someone at bbc.co.uk/makeadifference. Nominations are now open and will close on Monday 31 March 2025 at 5:00pm. The winners will be announced at the Make a Difference awards ceremony in September. | |
| Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme - submit claims before Tuesday 1 April | |
| From the Diocesan Property Team: This is a message for all parishes which contain listed places of worship within their curtilage. The Listed Places of Worship (LPW) Grant Scheme provides grants to cover the VAT incurred on repairs carried out to listed buildings used as places of worship, subject to a minimum application of £1,000. You will be aware from previous notifications that the scheme has only been renewed for a further period until the end of March 2026. For parishes with projects currently underway it would be beneficial to submit LPW claims before Tuesday 1 April. Ongoing or new projects claiming against this scheme after Tuesday 1 April 2025 will be subject to a total claimable cap of £25,000 per building. As always, if you need help, advice or guidance in this matter, please contact Kevin Baugh, Funding Officer, here at the Archdiocese. Via email kevin.baugh@rcaob.org.uk or call 0121 230 6280. | |
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| This weekend: Guided Tour | |
| Saturday 22 March, 2pm, at The Church of the Sacred Heart and St Catherine of Alexandria, Droitwich. The walls of the Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart and St Catherine of Alexandria are covered with some of the finest venetian glass mosaic artwork in Europe and welcomes thousands of visitors from across the UK and other parts of the world each year to see the astonishingly beautiful scenes. Throughout 2025 we are running free guided tours on one Saturday afternoon a month. Join one of our knowledgeable volunteer guides as they take you on a free guided tour of the mosaics and sculptures. | |
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| | Friday 28 - Saturday 29 March In this Jubilee Year, the 12th edition of '24 Hours for the Lord', a Lenten initiative of prayer and reconciliation introduced by Pope Francis, will be celebrated in dioceses around the world. As with previous editions, the event will take place on the eve of the Fourth Sunday of Lent, from Friday 28 March to Saturday 29 March. This year's motto is 'You Are My Hope'. Churches across the Archdiocese are set to observe an extended time of Eucharistic Adoration within the parish alongside an opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. | |
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| | You are warmly invited to join us at Sacred Heart and Holy Souls Church in Acocks Green for our 40hours of Eucharistic Adoration! It starts at 6pm on Friday 4 April and Adoration continues until Benediction (led by Bishop David Evans) at 5.45pm on Sunday 6 April. There are various prayer services organised including a ‘Night of Light’ on Saturday 5 April at 7pm where the church will be open to light a candle (suited for those who perhaps haven’t been to church for a long time). All events are free and are organised this year to celebrate the Jubilee Year of Hope and the centenary of our parish church. Look forward to you joining us! | |
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| Thanksgiving Mass for Marriage - register now | |
| Are you celebrating a significant wedding anniversary in 2025? Are you engaged to be married this year? Or would you simply like to give thanks to God for your marriage, and ask for His ongoing blessings? If so, we would like to invite you to attend this year's Thanksgiving Mass for Marriage. To be held on Saturday 3 May, 12noon, at St Chad's Cathedral. Celebrated by Bishop Richard Walker. Please register by Sunday 13 April. | |
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| Webinar: Hard Cases Don't Make Good Law | |
| The Catholic Union is holding a webinar on the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill on Thursday 3 April at 6.30pm. Chaired by Baroness Hollins, President of the Catholic Union, it will give members and supporters the chance to unpick the Bill guided by three experts: Dr Matthew Doré; Dr Philip Howard and Professor Julian Hughes. The Bill is set to return to the Commons’ Chamber for Third Reading on Friday 25 April. | |
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| Spiritual Accompaniment Course | |
| Organised by The Birmingham Forum for Spiritual Directors and Companions Applications are open for a one-year ecumenical training course for lay and ordained Christians from September 2025 to July 2026. Who is the course for? The course is open to Christians of any denomination. Those seeking a place would be people who: - find others turn naturally to them to talk about their life and faith.
- are stable and open to learning in their Christian faith, and keen to develop their knowledge and discipleship.
- already have, or are prepared to have, a spiritual director.
The course aims to: - Encourage each person to grow and develop gifts for spiritual accompaniment in various contexts.
- Offer knowledge, critical awareness and skills for spiritual accompaniment and direction.
Applications close Monday 31 March. | |
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| New Form to Report Incidents and Accidents | |
| The form through which incidents and accidents are reported within the Archdiocese of Birmingham parish and diocese properties is changing. Please see the Health and Safety page on the website for more details.
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| New Diocesan Instagram account | |
| Due to unforeseen circumstances we have needed to set up a new account on the social media platform Instagram. Please follow us! | |
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| Jobs and VolunteeringOpportunities with the Archdiocese and other organisations Retreat Centre Director at Kenelm Youth Trust The Kenelm Youth Trust is seeking a Retreat Centre Director to head up both the Alton Castle and Soli residential centres based in Alton, Staffordshire. You will be required to live on site in order to fulfil role requirements. We are seeking an experienced youth work manager to shape and develop the programmes across the site. The role carries considerable responsibility for the community life and working with schools and groups to design tailor made retreats and programmes. Closing date for applications is 12 noon on 10 April 2025.
Retreat Centre Manager at Kenelm Youth Trust The Kenelm Youth Trust is looking to recruit a Centre Manager for Alton Castle and the Soli Centre. The Centre Manager Role will report directly to the CEO, be linked to the Retreat Director’s work. Due to the nature of the business the role will involve evening and weekend work. The post holder needs to live nearby or be flexible to occasionally stay on the premises. We are looking for someone with at least the following: - Human Resources Qualification, IOSH or NEBOSH qualification
- Substantial experience of managing buildings and compliance
- Knowledge of legislation on Health and Safety.
Closing date for applications is 12 noon on 4 April 2025. Unlock an Extraordinary Opportunity with KYT's Mission Team! Are you (or someone you know) aged 18–25 and ready to make a difference?
KYT's Mission Team invites you to embark on a journey of impact and transformation!
By joining the Mission Team, you’ll: - Inspire young people through engaging retreats and youth ministry.
- Develop leadership and teamwork skills while growing in faith and sharing your faith with others.
- Be part of a dynamic team, exploring and developing your gifts.
- Gain nationally recognised qualifications in outdoor education.
- Build lifelong friendships and create unforgettable memories.
- Explore opportunities for apprenticeships and further study.
- Be a positive force for change in the lives of others.
This is your chance to be part of something truly meaningful. Whether it’s leading outdoor activities, empowering the next generation, or simply exploring your faith journey, there’s a place for you on the Mission Team. Know a young person who might be interested? Please share this exciting opportunity with them and encourage them to apply today.
Independent Council Member, Birmingham Newman University Are you willing to gift your time, skills and expertise to improving the life chances of others through education? Do you want to gain board level experience, or use the experience you already have at this level, in a collaborative and inclusive community that creates opportunities for all? If yes, consider joining the Birmingham Newman University Council (its governing body) as an independent member. Various roles at Father Hudson's Caritas including:
Foster Carers Relief Support Worker Family Support Worker | |
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Events and retreats beyond the Archdiocese |
| Called to Hope Ecumenical Conference | |
| Thursday 27 - Sunday 30 March, Welwyn Garden City The Focolare Movement will focus on the 1700th anniversary of the First Council of Nicaea at a special ecumenical conference at the Focolare Centre in Welwyn Garden City. ‘Called to Hope‘ will be a chance for Christians from different denominations to celebrate moments of hope together. | |
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| Christians in the Holy Land: Challenges and Hopes | |
| Monday 31 March, London Friends of the Holy Land are pleased to present Bishop William Shomali, Patriarchal Vicar for Jerusalem and Palestine, speaking on how the war and ceasefire conditions are affecting the daily life of Christians in the Holy Land, particularly in his pastoral area. Monday 31 March at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, London. | |
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| 2025 Leadership Programme for Sixth Form Students | |
| Hosted by the Christian Heritage Centre, Clitheroe. Deadline to apply is Wednesday 16 April. The CHC’s Christian Leadership Formation programme is a fantastic opportunity for students in Year 12 / Lower VI, and is now open to applications for 2025. Offering media training, tools for personal development, philosophical and theological study, and a chance to meet like-minded peers and Catholic academics and public figures, the programme offers a certificate validated by St Mary’s University, Twickenham. | |
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| Light of Truth - Certificate in Catechesis | |
| Join an online open evening to explore this course, Wednesday 30 April. Offered by the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph UK. A two-year, online course for catechists and for those who wish to transmit the Catholic faith to others. Explore the course before it starts in September. | |
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| National Conference: Reimagining Baptism | |
| Open to clergy and catechists, Friday 9 and Saturday 10 May. Archdiocese of Southwark. Baptism is transformative, it is the gateway to Christ. Come and join a national conversation about how baptism is understood in the life of the Church today, how to reawaken a baptismal mindset in our families and all in our parishes and how might we spread the light of hope today. The keynote talk will be given by Abbot Hugh Allan O.Praem with workshops run by seasoned catechists and clergy from around the country. | |
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| Douai Abbey Reflection Day: The Sabbath Day and the Lord’s Day’ | |
| Saturday 10 May. Led by Caroline Farey. The day will focus on bible texts to see how links with the Lord’s Day open up unexpected riches and to Sunday Mass. For anyone interested: no previous knowledge needed. Workshops & Reflection Days: 10.30am to 4pm. Contribution £30 made on the day (lunch, coffee & tea incl.) or £15 bring own lunch. | |
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| Celebrating Creation: Two Wings and Some Prayers | |
| Prayer, walks and birdwatching, with a focus on learning birdsong at Boarbank Hall, Cumbria. Monday 12 - Saturday 17 May. A chance to celebrate and care for God's Creation in this Jubilee Year, which also marks the 10th anniversary of Laudato Si'. | |
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| Guild of St Stephen National Mass | |
| The National Mass for Altar Servers is being held on Saturday 17 May at 12.15pm at Lancaster Cathedral. This is the first time the Mass has been held here and coincides with the celebrations to mark the Centenary of the Diocese of Lancaster and of course the Holy Year. Post Mass there will be some light refreshments and there will be an opportunity for altar servers from around England and Wales to meet each other.
You must inform of your attendance by Sunday 27 April. | |
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| CAFOD/SVP Work Experience | |
| 22 - 27 June, London SE1 7JB The St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) and CAFOD are working together to offer a week of free residential work experience for 20 young adults in England and Wales. Candidates must be over 18, have completed their first or second year at university and have a passion for social justice. Applications close on 20 April. For any queries, please contact KeziaH@svp.org.uk | |
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| | If you are on Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, Bluesky or Threads please follow the Archdiocese of Birmingham online. Our accounts are being used more than ever before to share news, events and information.
Twitter/X/ Facebook/ Instagram/ YouTube Bluesky |
We hope you are finding this e-newsletter useful. Please share with anyone you think will benefit, and encourage them to subscribe via the website. If you have any news, events or information you’d like to share this way please email it to communications@rcaob.org.uk marked ‘For Newsletter’. It's great to see information coming into us which we can share with others, please keep it coming! |
Archdiocese of Birmingham Cathedral House Queensway Birmingham B4 6EU |
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