
Dear Parents,

We are pleased to know that you wish to have your child baptised. The most important role of a parent is to seek what is truly best for their child in order prepare them for the life that is ahead of them. In seeking the Sacrament of Baptism, you are asking for a wonderful gift to be given to your child. While the intention to seek baptism is indeed praiseworthy, it is important that this decision is not taken lightly. It brings with it great responsibilities.

A baptism is not simply a one-off event. It is rather a door through which your child enters onto the lifelong pilgrimage of faith. As parents of your child (with the help of the Godparents), it will be your duty to do your best to pass the gift of the Christian faith to your child. By doing this, the graces your child receives through the Sacrament, may, with God's help, truly take root in their life.

During the rite of baptism, you will indeed make a public declaration that you are accepting this responsibility. Finally, as with any milestone in life, a baptism of a child is not only a time to focus on the relationship between yourselves as a family, but also an opportunity to re-examine and renew our relationship with God. If you do not come to church regularly, or even if you have not been for many years, it is now the right time for you to return. 

The first step on the road to your child's baptism would be to be attending Sunday mass on a regular basis. You would be most welcome here at Erdington Abbey and we would be delighted for you to become part of our parish community. Please pick up a baptismal form from the office or download the one attached at the end of this information page. 

Important information

For Parents/Guardians requesting infant baptism for their children. After completing a baptismal form, please make yourselves known to the Parish Priest at whatever Sunday masses you attend. After a few weeks you will be invited to join a Preparation session, more detail below. If you have attended a baptism preparation course in the last two years then there is no need to attend once more.

Please note we are unable to book your child's Baptism until we have received all the documents that are required. There are a few steps that need to be achieved before the Naming ceremony at Sunday mass and the Baptism itself. All baptisms take place after the 12 Noon Mass on Sunday's at 1.00pm

The First Sacrament of Initiation

What is Baptism?

The Sacrament of Baptism is the first rite of Christian initiation and represents the beginning of a lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship for Catholics. Through Baptism we are set free from sin, made God's adopted sons and daughters, are welcomed into the church family and made co-participants in her work. Our souls receive a spiritual imprint from baptism that identifies us as followers of Christ that cannot be removed.

At Baptism, parents promise to raise their child in the practice of the faith, by attending Mass, praying with them and imparting to them the teachings of the Catholic Church.

1. Persons living outside of the parish of St Thomas & Edmund of Canterbury, Erdington Abbey

If you live outside the Parish but have been regularly attending Erdington Abbey Church, please obtain permission from your Parish Priest for the baptism to take place here as a matter of courtesy. To be seen as an Abbey parishioner one simply has to begin attending here on a regular basis. See the detail at the end of these information pages.

2. Forms to complete
Baptismal forms can be downloaded below. Alternatively, you can also collect a form via the parish office or request a form by emailing Completed forms should be returned to the parish office via email or in person. Parents or Guardians should contact one of the priests or one of the Erdington Abbey office team to complete any other formalities. After completing the form the Administrator or the Parish Priests will be in touch to guide you in the next steps.

3. Documents to produce

Parents or guardians must produce their own baptism certificate and present this at the parish office. Godparents must produce their own confirmation certificate and presented at.

4. Godparents

Cannon Law states that there should be one male and one female godparent. Any additional godparents will be recognised as witnesses. At least one of the godparents of the child to be baptised must be a baptised and confirmed Catholic and over the age of 16. 

5. Baptism Preparation Sessions
To prepare for the baptism ceremony, parents or guardians are required to attend a preparation session. These happen every second month. You are encouraged to leave the infant to be baptised at home. Please do not bring toddlers with you to these sessions. The preparation sessions are led by our parishioners and catechists. 

6. The Welcoming/Naming
Prior to the day of baptism, you and your child will have the opportunity to be formally welcomed by the community at one of the 9.15am masses on Sunday. Please arrange the date with the priest at the end of the preparation session, or at an appointment with Father booked after the preparation course.  

7. The day of the Baptism

The Catechists will be there to guide you. Please bring a white garment for the baptised child. Erdington Abbey will provide a baptismal candle.

​You are requested to make an offering to contribute to Church expenses. This can be done by giving cash/cheque in an envelope to the Priest on the day. The present invited stipend is £50.

Baptism of Older Children

Sometimes parents request Baptism of an older child - say three or four years old. The comments concerning Baptism of babies referred to above also apply to the baptism of older children.

If the Baptism is just to get your child into a Catholic school we would ask what your child will contribute to the faith of the school community, as each child should give as well as receive of the benefits of the Catholic ethos of our schools.

However, once a child reaches the age of reason (about the age of seven or eight), we have to make sure the child has been properly instructed before Baptism can take place. It may be worth noting that having a child baptised in the Abbey does not guarantee a place for that child in Abbey Primary School.

There are procedures for older children to be brought into the church, these require diocesan permissions. Please email the office or Parish Priest directly on these matters. There is still a requirement for the older child to be regularly attending church.

Adult Baptisms

If you want to be baptised as an adult, you must complete some training through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults RCIA. Please see the separate form for adults. 

The Baptismal Register

After the Baptism, the Priest will add your baby's name to the Baptismal Register. Your child will be able to receive a Baptismal certificate at any future date. Please make sure, therefore,that the form you receive is filled in correctly.  

Application Form

Please click on either link below to download the application form - there is a Word version and PDF version