Activity Groups

St Vincent DePaul Society (SVP)

"We befriend the lonely, visit the sick, feed the hungry and we are of practical help to those in need".

Our volunteer members visit people in need, regardless of faith, ethnicity, status or sexual orientation.

1. Visiting and Befriending
Volunteer members visit to understand and assess each request for help individually but also to give people a sense of belonging. Volunteers do this through:
· providing food
· providing clothes, where able
· providing furniture, where able
· helping with transport
· offering friendship and support
· providing financial assistance, where able
· organising trips and social events for older people

2. Young People
Our vision is to inspire young people to feel valued members of the parish community through "Youth Social Action" and social activities that they influence and lead. Already, "Young Vincentians" from the St Edmund Campion School 6th form have hosted events for senior citizens and they will act as Youth Leaders in social activities for young people aged 8-13 from across the Erdington Parish Cluster.
Being an active part of a life changing, safe and supportive community helps young people grow positively.

3. Community Support
Community Support Projects (CSP) is the collective term we use to describe projects SVP members deliver to support local people. At Erdington Abbey this includes:
· 'Warm Welcome'
each Tuesday from 10.30 - 13.30 in the Abbey Hall, open to all. Volunteers provide tea, coffee, sandwiches, lunch, group activities and advice / practical
· 'Craft & Chat Activities Group' each Tuesday from 10.30 in the Abbey Hall – Arts & Crafts, Knitting, Crocheting
· 'Food Bank' – provided in the Abbey Hall each Tuesday

  • Lunch club / Senior Citizens Group – meet in the Abbey Hall every Thursday 12-2.
  • Wednesday Coffee morning from 10.30 in the Abbey Hall
  • Festival Meals - volunteers prepare, cook and serve freshly cooked meals in the Abbey Hall. Dates for Christmas and Easter Festival meals are advertised close to these festivals.
  • Cultural inclusion events – volunteers host social activities in the Abbey Hall
  • Kerala community events – volunteers organise free food-based events in the Abbey Hall
  • Cameroonian Society – meet in the Abbey Hall, with dates advertised in advance.

In this Jubilee Year the new project, the planning of which is in hand, is:
"Youth Social Action" and social activities that young people can influence and lead.
Already, "Young Vincentians" from the St Edmund Campion School 6th form have hosted events for senior citizens and plans are underway so that they 'will act as Youth Leaders in social activities for young people aged 8-13 from across the Erdington Parish Cluster'.